Singapore's Top Property Investment Seminar Is Right Here

Full Video Testimonials Below


This 2 Days Course Is Designed Step-By-Step Especially For Non-Real Estate Professionals.

We provide the knowledge needed by investors who seek to find, purchase, and sell real estate properties for their own personal investment.

If you’re looking for the best property investment course AND opportunities, look no further. 

We are passionate about always going the extra mile for you.

But don’t take our word for it, check out what our participants are saying about us.


Top-Rated Property Investment Seminar Video Testimonials

  Richard Jany


  Ms Lynna


  Jia Sin


  Shun Jian


  Pei Xin Wee




“I really regretted that I did not join this property investment workshop earlier”.


Excerpts from Video Testimonials;

This Is By Far The Best Strategy To Enter In The U.S. Property Market

Testimonial Video: 3:03 min

Hi everyone, my name is Gin. I’m based in Singapore. I’m a full-time affiliate marketer and specialise in email marketing. The reason why I signed up for this course is because property investment is always in my mind.

For everyone who is making money, and they want their money to work for them, property investment is a must because it’s a tangible asset and its not as hectic as Forex, Stocks or whatsoever instruments. Property investment is the best asset class in the world. So that’s why I decided to join.

I really really regretted that I did not joined this property investment course earlier. The OTHER property investment seminars that I have previously attended, only give you the theories unlike Ais and Rauf and the rest of the team, they are committed to your success. They give you 100% of the information with no holding back.

I remembered a few year ago when I watched a video by Robert Kiyosaki, on why he love debt so much and how he used the property market to make his fortune. And he owned about more than a hundred or a thousand properties.

When I watched that, I can’t figure out why was that so. But now, it’s really showing to my face and they are showing me, ‘the insiders’ on how people like Robert Kiyosaki, a highly successful entrepreneur, actually make their money using the property market and using debt as the tools.

Wah! I tell you that it’s really very very significant. This is by far the best strategy to enter in the U.S. property market.

I will definitely recommend this course to my friends and relatives who want to invest in the U.S. property market. It is because the Malaysian and Singapore market are not that good. And you know how expensive Singapore is!

Even though I don’t have property investment background but I would say that this course is still the Best! They (Ais and Rauf) don’t hold back any information. I get 100% knowledge of how I can implement the strategies myself.


Even A Senior Real Estate Agent Is Attending This Course

Testimonial Video: 5:41 min

Hi everyone, I’m Raymond. I’m a senior real estate agent in Malaysia and also an investor (in property market). Good afternoon to everyone and it’s about 1:30pm. Talking about this property investment course and why I’m here.

The reason is actually we do invest in Malaysian property market for auction house. We always buy properties at 20% to 30% even up to maximum 35% LOWER than the market value.

So when I heard that we can buy the auctioned properties (house) which are 90% lower than the market value, it’s really shocking to me so it’s why I’m here today.

During this class (course) actually it opened up my eyes. I saw that there is a way that allows us to learn and go through a proper way to invest in the U.S. property market and get the auctioned house at 90% BELOW the market value.

So I cannot wait now. I would like to know more and study more and gain more experience by doing what I’ve learnt (from Noble Sky Institute). I would like to practice it. I look forward to be on the ground. I really want to bid for the houses in U.S.

Of course I would highly recommend all the investors in Malaysia to come and join us and open your eyes.

This Program Is Suitable For Those Who Has Zero Knowledge On Property Investment

Testimonial Video: 00:55 min

Hi I’m John from Kuala Lumpur. I’ve just attended Rauf’s 2 Day Program in Kuala Lumpur and what do I think about the FLEX Program is that it’s definitely worth it to attend because it allows me to diversify my current property investment portfolio.

And not only that, it opened up my mind, my eyes. In addition each and everyone of you should know about investment strategy. The legit way that allows you to invest in a very safe environment especially in the U.S.

Rauf is definitely one of the best mentor that I’ve learnt from because he has shared with us so many things. In fact today, most of us are overwhelmed with the new investing knowledge that we have learnt from him. And to be precise, he went through all the step-by-step, all the processes and the case studies too.

I definitely recommend this investing program to whoever that is watching this video now because as I said earlier, this program is very, very, very suitable to those who has zero knowledge about property investment because Rauf, the Mentor, will put you in a very safe environment for you to invest.

And of course to another group of people who would like to diversify their portfolio. I would definitely recommend this investing program to each and everyone of you who is watching this now.

This Program Taught Me Alternative & Safe Way To Invest In The U.S.

Testimonial Video: 00:00 min

Hi my name is Luke and I’m from Sydney, Australia. Well the FLEX Program taught me a lot about some alternative ways of investing in the U.S. Some ways I didn’t know about before and I learnt a lot.

Rauf’s knowledge seems extensive. His delivery style is flexible and casual. He really does encourage everybody to ask a lot of questions. He really went out of his way to make sure that the whole group was included and get their questions answered.

I would recommend the program to other people. Knowledge is power and good investors are educated investors. 

This Program Taught Me Everything I Needed To Know About Property Investment

Testimonial Video: 2:33 min

Hi, I am Glenn Martin from Auckland New Zealand. The FLEX Program was very informative and I learnt a lot. There’s so much to understand in the U.S. , different states, different laws. So the program has taught me everything I needed to know about property investment.

Rauf expertise is excellent, he understands and has a lot of experience dealing in property investments himself and he can teach us as the students.

I recommend this program to others. It’s a big mine field in the U.S. so having somebody that has the experience is definitely key. 

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